Tuesday, 17 July 2018


White trash-lovers,
Freaks for all they’re worth,
Anarchy in beady, brazen faces,
Seizing stares,
Standing ground.

Bland, gallus, gunslingers
Striding rooftops,
Gate-crashing dawn,
With punk rock squawks,
Claiming squatters’ rights
On stick legs, starfish feet.

Cold-calling meddlers,
Trawling inland,
Surfing the streets:
Scoping, probing, locating.
Beak-first gamblers,  
Spinning laziness into recycling.
Maybe a nuisance,
But never gullible.

Lessons from Trees

Last night's frantic branches now nestle, long shorn of hair, dignified in recovery. Resolute, versatile, vertical, forming your be...