Monday, 2 September 2013

old friends

apparetif voices meet in mid-air
cadence cracked, unbroken,
gushing from well-remembered yesterdays,
before the main dish is served:
an embrace
with hearty helpings of
chatting and cherishing
tasting their heritage:
private punchlines pulled from the past
memories long gone,
supping stories,
turning time meaningless,
eyes go glistening
with a tear or two,
a laugh, a nod,
a sip, a swallow,
of who they were,
forgetting, re-forging,
savouring on their palates
the food and drink
of their history.


  1. not much else like breaking bread with old friends, esp when those punchlines and old stories start flowing...

  2. "supping stories'...ahh, a wonderful time to have...and a wonderful sentiment. Nicely done ND.

  3. Love moments like these, and you really captured on of them here my friend.


Thanks for leaving a comment. Have a great day :)

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